Obviously not all Financial Analysts give investors bad information. Some Large Brokerage Firm Analysts make bold market calls that are unpopular, shockingly accurate, and exceptionally profitable for the people who listen.
Meredith Whitney is one such analyst. Whitney, Managing Director of Oppenheimer & Co appears regularly on CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox News. She correctly called the Credit Crisis and warned of Billions of Dollars in Write Downs in the pipeline from the Largest Banks and Broker Dealers. She was Bearish and accurate on the fall of Citigroup in Oct of 2007. She cooly defeneded her opinions on Television in the face of the Dog and Pony show of the Wall Street Promotion Machine hundreds of times.
If you have ever shorted a financial stock or purchased puts hoping the stock would go to zero in a few weeks, then she is your kinda gal.
The Question now is whether Whitney will be able to successfuly call a Bottom in the Macro Economy and the Equity Markets. When she does call a bottom take notice because it will likley move the markets.
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