Analyst Dick Bove came out in March of 2008 claiming the bottom was in for financial stocks after the collapse of Bear Sterns. He called the bottom, and decided it was time to buy the financial stocks. Putting out the call on CNBC, Bloomberg and other financial news networks. I hope no one listened to him. We all know what happened next.
This guy has got the golden touch. What ever he recommends goes to isht. You could have made a killing fading his long calls. Go to www.briefing.com and look up his calls for yourself. They are terrible and well documented. If you want to waste some money and entertain yourself go purchase some of his official reports and read them.
This leaves many questions for investors such as:
How does Bove even have the nerve to show his Dick face in public?
Why are these news networks even letting him speak on Television?
Who exactly is paying this guy to go on Television? (gee I wonder)
Does he actually believe his own reports, reasoning and price targets?
If you can't answer these questions do not follow his advice.
1 comment:
Actually if you followed Bove on this last call you could have made a lot of money. Too bad if you listened to him before you would have lost a lot more.
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