Many people believe the War in Afghanistan is to Defeat the Taliban, Win the War on Terror, Find Osama Bin Laden and Train Afghanistan Security Forces.
President Obama is going to address the nation tonight and talk about the need for more troops and our new strategy in Afghanistan. What you will not hear about on TV tonight is the $50-65 Billion Dollar per Year Market for Afghan Opium.
This is the real reason we are interested in Afghanistan.

If I was President, I would let the American people know everything is going well in Afghanistan. We need more troops to secure our drug trafficking buddies. Don't Worry Opium Production is up 2000% since the US invasion.


NY Times Reports: the CIA pays the President Hamid Karzai's brother (A Known Drug Lord) for a variety of services, including helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the C.I.A.’s direction in and around the southern city of Kandahar.

Here is link from MSNBC with Marines ordered to allow Opium Production and protect Farmers. Even though the Taliban Makes Hundreds of Millions of Dollars per year from the end product. This is how they fund "Terrorism".

The cost of war is small compared to the $50-60 Billion Dollar yearly opium market. We are actually about doubling our money here every year. The war costs about $2.5 Billion per month. The US tax payers are left to pick up the tab for the War on Terror and training the new Afghan security forces. The profits are off the books black market money for a select few interests, then laundered back into legitimacy.
If we really wanted to stop the Taliban we would eradicate all of the opium Fields. The official explanation is Afghan Farmers they don't have any other economic options but to grow poppies. Do people really believe we need to let them grow opium so they can have money to feed their families? Now That's funny.

Then the icing on the cake. The Millions of Russian Heroin Addicts thanks to plentiful, powerful and cheap Afghan Opium. Precise figures are not available, but it is estimated that there are somewhere between 1.5 million and 6 million heroin addicts in Russia.This keeps many Russians under our control. No need for Cold War Weapons. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8319585.stm

People Wake Up the strategy is working! President Obama you have my Support. Send 100,000 More Troops. Let's Keep that World Wide War on Terror Dope Flowing!!!
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