Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Opium Wars in Afghanistan

Many people believe the War in Afghanistan is to Defeat the Taliban, Win the War on Terror, Find Osama Bin Laden and Train Afghanistan Security Forces.

President Obama is going to address the nation tonight and talk about the need for more troops and our new strategy in Afghanistan. What you will not hear about on TV tonight is the $50-65 Billion Dollar per Year Market for Afghan Opium.

This is the real reason we are interested in Afghanistan.

If I was President, I would let the American people know everything is going well in Afghanistan. We need more troops to secure our drug trafficking buddies. Don't Worry Opium Production is up 2000% since the US invasion.


NY Times Reports: the CIA pays the President Hamid Karzai's brother (A Known Drug Lord) for a variety of services, including helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the C.I.A.’s direction in and around the southern city of Kandahar.


Here is link from MSNBC with Marines ordered to allow Opium Production and protect Farmers. Even though the Taliban Makes Hundreds of Millions of Dollars per year from the end product. This is how they fund "Terrorism".


The cost of war is small compared to the $50-60 Billion Dollar yearly opium market. We are actually about doubling our money here every year. The war costs about $2.5 Billion per month. The US tax payers are left to pick up the tab for the War on Terror and training the new Afghan security forces. The profits are off the books black market money for a select few interests, then laundered back into legitimacy.

If we really wanted to stop the Taliban we would eradicate all of the opium Fields. The official explanation is Afghan Farmers they don't have any other economic options but to grow poppies. Do people really believe we need to let them grow opium so they can have money to feed their families? Now That's funny.

Then the icing on the cake. The Millions of Russian Heroin Addicts thanks to plentiful, powerful and cheap Afghan Opium. Precise figures are not available, but it is estimated that there are somewhere between 1.5 million and 6 million heroin addicts in Russia.This keeps many Russians under our control. No need for Cold War Weapons. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8319585.stm

People Wake Up the strategy is working! President Obama you have my Support. Send 100,000 More Troops. Let's Keep that World Wide War on Terror Dope Flowing!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Practical Solution for an Effective American Government

It seems today more and more Americans are realizing that Government at all levels (Federal, State and Local) is NOT working for them.

The Disconnection and Divide between the Political Class and the average person has never been wider. The concerns of the average politician are much different than that of the average American citizen.

The current system of Government we now have is ineffective and does not meet the needs and challenges of the time and place where we are living. The career politicians, corporate lobbying, and special interests have created a one party system of government. Republicans and Democrats are all taking money and doing favors for the same people.

The contributions of a few hundred thousand or a few million dollars usually turns out to be money very well spent, when hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in tax breaks, direct money, and other government programs are established exclusively to benefit these very few large donors.

The problem with our system of politics and government is corruption. No person can be put in the places of such huge responsibility and immense power. All Human beings have needs and wants which must be satisfied. These include basic needs all the way up to gold t shirts and Ferrari's. There is no one who can be put into these situations and make decisions without the influence of these special interests. When money is received, we all feel like we owe something to someone.

To make the decision that is best for the majority of Americans politicians need to have a special shield from the influence and interests of lobbying groups. There are not many (if any) politicians who don't need the support from Big Money donors to campaign, and throw swanky fundraisers on the path to getting reelected.

The traditional sources of political funding is what keeps the wheels of crony capitalism and government hand outs turning.

There exists to me only two alternative solutions here:

(1) overthrow the government
(2) start a public funding campaign to pay the politicians to do work for the "average" person because no one works for free.

Lets look at option 1. Overthrowing the current government seems impossible to do because of the scope of the military. Any resistance would be met with deadly force. No matter how many weapons the resistance movement could amass it would still not be enough to compete with the Billions of Dollars we have all contributed for National Defense.

Lets say we did overthrow the US government today. Then the problem we face is Anarchy. Lets say we started clean and wanted to establish a new government, as our founding fathers had instructed us to do if the government became too powerful. That sounds simple enough. Except....

Now Anyone and Everyone would have an opinion on how to run the New Government. Since there would be no government, and no perceived Authority people would not know what to do with themselves. They may or may not follow the new government, and with its lack of history it would be hard not to overthrow it again whenever something did go your way. Overthrowing the current government seems impossible. It is a system that predates and supersedes many individuals and social institutions existence. It is also impractical. Lets consider option 2.

The Practical Solution for an Effective Government is for the Public to Fund a Lobbying Organization that contributes money directly to Politicians. Now when Politicians are making legislationthey are working elclusively for special interests groups and NOT their constituents.

If you agree that all Politicians are corrupt, then the only solution is to pay these people directly and have some type of voice in what they do. Now the general public does not have a voice or a vote on the majority of legislation produced by the very politicians they voted for. The American people seemed to forget that no one works for free. Why would they except their elected Representatives to be any different?

For a remarkably small sum of money, the Citizens of the United States could fund a general public lobbying organization to stand up for their interests. At this time I am unaware of any such organization that exists. The organization would vote on pertinent issues and craft their own legislation for matters it deemed important enough. The main purpose is to give the general people a real voice backed with real dollars behind it to compete against the special interests groups narrow agenda.

The Math:

If 50 Million people or about 16% of the 300 Million Americans gave $20 dollars per year to this Lobbying Organization we would have around $1 Billion Dollars to buy the influence and votes from our Politicians. With 435 Congress members and 100 Senators we would have over $1.8 Million Dollars to pay each of them! If anyone was too greedy to take our money and not vote our way they would be abolished from Politics in an orderly fashion.

We would be getting a tremendous bang for our buck in buying influence directly. The Amount of Corporate Contributions is tiny in relation to the benefits they receive. Giving away a couple Million Dollars to access Billions of Dollars in "Free" Government money that comes from tax payers and favorable policy is no brainier.

If you could pay $20 dollars today and eliminate government waste that would end up costing you thousands of dollars 3 years from now would you do it?

To Vote according to the wishes of this new organization is simple, fair and easy. The organization would have online votes where the majority opinion could be represented through our politicians actions. Now the politicians would be forced to be accountable to the average person.

There is no such thing as an honest politician. The nature of the game forces people to do favors for those who contribute the most money to them. We acknowledge these cold hard facts and do not believe they can be changed. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a fool, ignorant or is fooling themselves.

People brought President Obama into the White House on his platform of Change. What Change can you expect when you dig around and see that the same Big Donors are funding Both Sides?

What change can you expect when no changes are made?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monavie Music Parody

For anyone who does not know what the back story here.....Someone tried recruiting me to this "multi-level marketing business opportunity" aka a Legalized Pyramid Scheme. I tried explaining it was all BS. These people did not listen. This company had a music contest with people who think this is a real "opportunity". This is Hilarious to me. I Love Pyramid Schemes, Never Been in one, but they are fascinating to me. They play on peoples emotions, and hold the carrot in front these people to keep them charging ahead. In the end if you look at the facts they all end bad except for the top people. The more I found out the more upset I got. But you gotta believe!!!!! Ha. Enjoy the little video.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What is Facebook really worth? How can I make money while giving away my product/service/content for free?

The frequency of my blogging has decreased in the recent months due to my Facebook addiction. Instead of picking topics and analyzing them intensely I have instead chosen to read Facebook status updates, view photos, and make comments on my friends Facebook pages.

All of my friends are pretty much on Facebook with only select few opting out of participating only to seem cooler than everyone else. But how cool can you be if you when you don't know that Alex took a quiz and if he was a 1980's rock star he would have been Billy Idol. A girl I know even announced she was pregnant on Facebook.

I wonder how can Facebook use the information of its unique users to generate more revenues and eventually become profitable?

This got me to thinking, What is Facebook worth? Everyone knows Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg was said to be worth around 2 Billion Dollars (before the market correction). The Investments from Microsoft and a few other private companies have been placed for only a very small percentage of ownership in the company.

Currently as of July 30th 2009 Facebook is in the Red. They are not making any money. Their model of generating income from the "cool" idea of social networking has not produced any edible fruit. Now they host a variety of Advertisements and target users by the specific information in their profiles. For me they are pushing hot single girls via dating services, penny stock ads and brokerage firms. Not Bad. But I have not bought anything from a Facebook Ad yet.

How they turn nickels and dimes into Millions and Billions of Dollars? Could Facebook become more Googlish and start making more money from some type of Search? And/or Linking fess to partner sites. I bet they are working on something like this right now. The Key is to match users up with Relevant Content and provide value that cannot get anywhere else through exclusive deals to the community.

Can a social networking site actually charge money to use it?"

Well sure they could try, but how much could they charge? Would anyone actually pay now for something they expect to get for Free? According what we have seen in the past the majority of people would probably move to the next new free site.

How can I make money while giving away my product/service/content for free?

I don't know the answer to this question or else I would not be writing this Blog. Maybe the awnser is simply Google. They are the Obvious Winner in this space so far. There are many sites giving "stuff" away for free then trying to figure out how to make money off it later. In any "normal" business model this seems ass backwards, abusud and insane.

When Time Warner acquired Myspace last year they thought they were buying into the next hot thing. They actually were buying the last hot thing. This is when Facebook really started heating up. The features and format of Facebook for social networking are second to none. People started leaving myspace en mass due to phishing, privacy and over advertising on the site. I actually get emails now from Myspace telling me to log in to see what my friends are up to. Rupert Murdoch must be a little sour buying in at the top of the Myspace Bubble from Tom and his 300 million Friends.

The Challenge with any Internet business model these days is: How can I make lots of money while giving away my product/service/content for free?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Multilevel Marketing Oraganizations ARE Pyramid Schemes

I have been solicited several times for various different MLM schemes, fortunately I have not wasted too much time or energy in realizing these claims and this whole business model was absurd. After getting sold on a $25 dollar ticket to go the rally by a friend, something did not feel right. I politely declined to join or any further involvement. It seemed to me the existing distributors exaggerated the income actually made from their efforts and the potential for success in "the business". That time my gut made the decision for me.

Why all multilevel, network or referral marketing business models are really pyramid schemes, and Why all Pyramid Schemes eventually fail.

Mathematically Multilevel Marketing Does not Make any sense, and never makes Dollars-This is my favorite example why any Multilevel Marketing, Network Marketing or referral Marketing “Business Opportunity” ultimately eventually turns into a “Pyramid scheme”. Lets assume for a second you have recruited me to join your new business selling the next miracle juice beverage products, this product has many glowing celebrity endorsements and positive media coverage. We are both pretty excited, the guy who recruited you into the business knows a guy who is making $100,000 a year, and that guy knows a guy who is making $200,000 a year. Here comes the math. Lets say you recruit 2 friends, they recruit 2, then each person recruits 2 more friends. The law of compounding says that eventually these numbers become very large and unable to duplicate. So if you get 2 friends, they get 2 friends, and those 2 friends get 2 friends.

Here it goes: 1...2...4...16...256...65,536...4,294,967,296

The Pyramid eventually falls apart because there are not enough new recruits too keep it going.

The six degrees of separation explains why most pyramid schemes fall apart at the 4th or 5th level. This is because there is simply no one left to buy into the idea of a “business opportunity”. If everyone in the world is interconnected by 6 or so people the connections are simply exhausted and there are no more ready, willing and able investors who have not been pitched yet.

The Federal Trade Comission makes vague distinctions between such MLM marketing organizations and official "Pyramid Schemes". They need After much inquiry, I believe that all MLM's are indeed glorified "Pyramid Schemes" in one way or another. The FTC advises that multi-level marketing organizations with greater incentives for recruitment than product sales are to be viewed skeptically. The FTC also warns that the practice of getting commissions from recruiting new members is outlawed in most states as "pyramiding". I'm not knocking the FTC, they are doing what they can.

Another "Business Opportunity" was brought to my attention recently, hence the Blog.

I don't want to name the names of any companies involved or persons involved because the people know who they are, and the companies will sue you. I have read the lawsuits.

The product is never the problem with Multilevel Marketing Schemes. The products are often good. At times even extraordinary. This is what creates the devotion and hope down the line of “independent business owners” to keep pushing forward when the going gets tough. No matter how useful, revolutionary or necessary the product or service sold, the flaws with the multilevel marketing business model are inherent, and eventually the inflated artificial demand for the business opportunity falls significantly.

Confusing/Unfair Compensation Plans
The Compensation Plans of these Network Marketing business models can be very confusing and misleading. After taking a look at the compensation plan for a business opportunity I was told about, I decided that it would be difficult to build an organization on the backs of my least successful and profitable “leg” of new business owners I recruited. Why not giving profits based on the average of all people you have recruited? That seems a bit more fair.

Taking in too much Overpriced Inventory-This seems to be a common trait of MLM and Pyramid schemes getting the recruits to commit to taking in a certain amount of inventory at prices that are highly favorable to the distributor. There are many legal tests used on MLMs by the FTC such as the 70% use test for products purchased by the independent distributors. The Distributors in many cases have no margin to make money off from actually reselling the products. In fact many organizations discourage distributors from becoming retailers and instead encourage them to focus on recruiting more and more distributors. They say things like “your not selling products, your sharing the plan.” Lets assume thats true. Who eventually fills the void in demand for these products? The answer is no one. The product supply outweighs the product demand. If there is not sufficient consumer demand back up the purchases. Remember Boiler Room? For some of the more diversified MLM companies the distributors can survive, but on one or limited products it becomes more difficult.

Why sell products through a traditional retail channel and force the market to decide your prices when you can sell direct with no advertising costs, and for a higher price? When retailers get a product they have the Manufactures suggested retail price MSRP to go off, but they are free to charge their own price on most items. Some charge higher prices some lower, these different prices create different values and choices for consumers regarding where they choose to shop. When any retailer buys a product they are looking for at least 50% mark up or more. If your margins are not at least 30% you are probably being scammed and its going to be very hard for you to make any money "retailing" items.

I bet they told by cutting out the "retail middle man" you will be getting paid for bringing products directly to the people.

The Real market price for these “exclusive products” can be found on 3rd party retailing Internet sites where the real laws of supply and demand rule. Some people selling on these sites are likely trying to unload their excess inventory and cut their losses.

Don't ever purchase your inventory for more money than on other internet sites or else your never going to make any money. This is one little tip to let you know you may be getting ripped off.

Who is really making money here? My favorite thing about the Pyramid scheme is the “success stories”. These are the everyday people who are turned into larger than life inspirational tales for the masses of recruits to follow. They are usually a couple who were once bankrupt, destitute and starving on the mean cold streets. Now these people are living in a tropical paradise, spending endless amounts of quality time with their family, and have more money than they know what to do with. They talk about the perks of big houses, sports cars, fancy clothes, the lifestyle someone can achieve if they just follow the plan. These people are the exception to the rule, they are on the near top of the Pyramid, your opportunity by default is not as good as theirs because you have less people to recruit into the scam and less time before it collapses. You can bet anyone higher in the pyramid than you is making more money than you are. How many people are really making the kind of money that is promised? And how are they making this money? Is it from selling products, recruiting or getting paid for speaking engagements?

For a select few this is a great business-If you can invent, market and effectively run a “successful” pyramid scheme or if you can get yourself to the top of the pyramid you can make lots of money. Imagine if you could convince people to order more of your product than could ever be consumed, at a price you control? Who would not want to be in this business? Without considering the legal, ethical or moral consequences of such actions, it sounds good to me. Let's assume you know that new product XYZ is a multilevel marketing/pyramid scheme, but you think the products are great, and believe you can make some serious money. You think a fool and his money were lucky enough to be together in the first place. As PT Barnum says “a sucker is born every minute”. For you seeing a sucker parted from his hard earned dollars is the simply the universe doling out justice. It is survival of the fittest. The lazy, dumb and clueless should be left to soup line while you eat sushi, shrimp and steak.

Getting in early matters-Even if you have the best idea for a product, with the fastest growing network marketing company in the world, getting in early is what really matters. The sooner you are able to get into the pyramid the greater your chances of “success”. The more people you have above you, the less people you have available to recruit. If you get in the next great pyramid scam early enough you could be one of their success stories. However the longer down the line you are, the less able new people you have available to recruit . Think about if you were the last man down the line, How are you supposed to make any money? All Multilevel Marketing is eventually a game of musical chairs where there is not enough seats to for everyone to sit down. The hard part is determining when the scheme is its incline of membership and when the numbers start going south. Getting in at the right time ensures less risk on the part of the distributor. The more people who are already involved the riskier the opportunity is. The later you get in to the game, the more risk you assume.

Unless your Inside your Outside with this one. If you not at the top of the pyramid you have no idea how far you are from the bottom.

Its been a Long Time.

Its been a long time since I have blogged it. I'm back in action.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Someone Needs to Stop President Obama. Washington has Gone Wild.

Obama, Obama, Obama! What more can I say.... You tricked me into voting for you. You promised to Change the old ways of Washington. You inspired the faithful during your historic campaign to the White House. You made the hairs stand up on my skin with your words "Yes we can". You spoke so eloquently. You looked so strong and confident. You promised to go through the Federal Budget line by line and eliminate wasteful earmarks and pork barrel spending. You energized and put into action people who had never voted before. You brought the message of a fresh start, hope for tomorrow, and new beginnings for the Great Nation of America.

What happened? You have proposed spending more tax payer money in your first 6 weeks than in the entire history of the United States Government. You bring no Change. Instead your rush to "stimulate" the economy has encouraged an avalanche of wasteful spending. Every piece of pork sitting on the shelf was shoved into these bills by representatives on both sides of the aisle. A True Bipartisan cooperation!

Your haste and hurry has encouraged your fellow Politicians to push the limit on more useless projects and wasteful spending. The recklessness with which our government is spending our money is unbelievable. Is this a Bad Dream?

This is outrageous. This is unacceptable.

Mr. President, How could you let this happen?

Washington has gone Wild under your watch. Everyone in the government is taking this opportunity to get all they can. Washington is looting the American taxpayer and leveraging the future of our nation to do favors for their cronies and pals.

Please someone tell me what the Washington outsiders can do about this?

Dick Bove is a Moron. If you see him in person punch him in the face.

Analyst Dick Bove came out in March of 2008 claiming the bottom was in for financial stocks after the collapse of Bear Sterns. He called the bottom, and decided it was time to buy the financial stocks. Putting out the call on CNBC, Bloomberg and other financial news networks. I hope no one listened to him. We all know what happened next.

This guy has got the golden touch. What ever he recommends goes to isht. You could have made a killing fading his long calls. Go to www.briefing.com and look up his calls for yourself. They are terrible and well documented. If you want to waste some money and entertain yourself go purchase some of his official reports and read them.

This leaves many questions for investors such as:

How does Bove even have the nerve to show his Dick face in public?
Why are these news networks even letting him speak on Television?
Who exactly is paying this guy to go on Television? (gee I wonder)
Does he actually believe his own reports, reasoning and price targets?

If you can't answer these questions do not follow his advice.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Obama Administration has the Wild Card on all Financial Markets, Rules and Regulations

The new administration is supposed to unveil more information in the coming the weeks on the financial markets with President Obama putting together more fellows of his tax dodging dream team. Fresh off signing the $800 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus Package this guy is just getting started.

The Obama Administration has the Wild Card on all Financial Markets, Rules and Regulations. With "Main Street" folks upset and legislators campaigning for 2010 they are ready to attempt solving our past problems through new rules. No one in the industry really knows for sure what is going to the regulatory landscape post this financial crisis. When Executive salary for TARP money recipients was cut to 500k this was obviously getting too crazy.

Goldman Sachs Group (GS) even had a special Private meeting with all of their best clients to brainstorm ideas on what to do, and how to move forward from here.

Basically no one knows what type of regulations are going to be in the future.

Imagine playing poker with 6 friends a standard 52 deck of cards. Lets say that who ever has the queen of diamonds wins no matter what the other players have. How much would you bet if you did not have the card?

Then imagine if they changed the rules again, after you thought you had the wild card, slipped an ace from their sleeve, brought in new (printed) chips-depleting the value of your existing chips, and gave other players chips if they need to be bailed out due to making bad bets.

How much would you bet if you had a Royal Flush?

Treasury Secretary Timothy Franz Geithner stumbled at his coming out party last week to announce his intentions to create a plan to bring in private capital to solve the crisis in the credit markets. Aside from offering no real clarity or any actionable initiatives, Geithner showed the market no one really knows how to solve the problem of valuing these assets.

The administration needs to make sensible regulations that promote the United States Capital Markets as the world's best place to do business. The Private Capital needs to be sure of the rules of the game, and then they will begin to place their bets. The Financial Industry needs regulations that verify the custody of assets with third, fourth, and fifth parties. Many of the problems that happened with Madoff and Standford could have been avoided by simply verifying custody of the funds.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Could the Dow Go Down to 4,000?

Could the Dow Go Down to 4,000? Dow 4,000 would mean another 50% market correction. This may seem impossible to think the Dow could lose another half of its value. How could the market go down so much? How can the market cause investors so much pain? It even seems cruel to contemplate.

My friend and fellow Trader Clay suggested to me it could. At first I scoffed, and then I thought. To truly know the answer you would need to look into the capitalization structures of every component and analyze the Debt and Equity used to finance the company's operations. You need to look at the cost of the debt, how much equity they have, how much money they are currently earning or losing, ect. You would surely need to make many assumptions about future business, economic and stock market conditions. These assumptions can be many varying degrees of right, wrong, true and false. You would also need to account for how much each components market cap "weighs in" to the index as a whole to see if those prices could fall to those levels based on the "fundamental" analysis.

Fortune Magazine Interviewed Commodities Legend Jim Rogers and he said this:

"In my view, U.S. stocks are still not attractive. Historically, you buy stocks when they're yielding 6% and selling at eight times earnings. You sell them when they're at 22 times earnings and yielding 2%. Right now U.S. stocks are down a lot, but they're still very expensive by that historical valuation method. The U.S. market is yielding 3% today. For stocks to go to a 6% yield without big dividend increases, the Dow will need to go below 4000. I'm not saying it will fall that far, but it could very well happen. And if it gets that low and I'm still solvent, I hope I'm smart enough to buy a lot. The key in times like these is to stay solvent so you can load up when opportunity comes."

I debated looking at the fundamental financial data to extrapolate an elaborate valuation theory to justify a Print of Dow 4000, I then decided to leave that to someone else. After looking at the Charts of the Dow Stocks the market is already speaking loudly about how much value it believes each component of the index is worth. Closing a few points above or below the 8,000 mark Friday its investors are skating on thin ice

After some thinking I do believe the Dow Jones Industrial Average could go to 4,000.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are Obama Shirts going to be the New Ed Hardy?

You have all seen people on Television wearing the colorful animal print Ed Hardy clothes. Particularity the Reality TV programs on VH1. The line is by a guy named Christian Audigier. This guy has mailed his clothes out to virtually every celebrity in this galaxy and many who have been photographed on planet Earth have been happily sporting his threads. I even own 1 Ed Hardy tiger t shirts myself and another of from Audigier's Smet Line. If you ever see me wearing these clothes in person feel free to punch me in the gut.

These Ed Hardy T shirts are getting a bit played out. Now that so many people are wearing this gear it dilutes the brands exclusivity. Remember those Von Dutch line of trucker caps and clothing? Who is rocking that stuff now? Not any big name Retailers like Macy's, Nordstrom's, or Sach's, are carrying Von Dutch. Now they are all equipped with the Ed Hardy Clothing Displays.

In this economic crisis who wants to spend $80.00 for a T-Shirt? Why not support our new President and the United States of America with a similar flashy sense of fashion using President Obama as the Image of inspiration? Surely the inspiration and idea of Obama is a more positive role model for young children than Ed Hardy Tattoo inspired clothing designs.

The Obama T-Shirts are made locally by local people, and they support the local economy. They put the fate in the hands of the people. They are a new business created out of no where. This is exactly what the country needs. Kinda of.

Some people are saying Obama should get a piece of this mass merchandising using his image and likeness, yet if he actually enforced this no one would be buying anymore Obama T-Shirts. The demand would then shift for Obama Toilet Paper.

The question still remains, for 2009 and Beyond are Obama Shirts going to be the New Ed Hardy?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Inauguration of Obama

I drove down to Washington DC this weekend for the Inauguration festivities for our 44th president Barack Hussein Obama. The spirit was flying high in the air as the crowd sang and danced during the "We are One" concert live from the Lincoln Memorial presented by HBO. Featuring celebrities like Denzel Washington, Tiger Woods, Ashley Judd, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hanks and music from U2, Stevie Wonder, Usher, Shakira, Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Bruce Springsteen and many many more.

When the massive display screens around the National Mall showed President Obama clapping, grooving and singing everyone in the crowd went wild. Little Kids jumped up on top of the hundreds of porta poties for a better view and had be to asked to leave by a squad of 30 MPs and a 12 police on horseback. Even when people were being helped off the potties, they did so in good spirit.

My second favorite part of the Inauguration was the street entrepreneurs selling Obama Merchandise. Something tells me that if John McCain had won the election people would not have been selling rhinestone hats and t-shirts.

The Downtown Washington DC scene over the weekend was packed with many inauguration events and star studded, in the midst of the parties, the glitz and the glamor everyone felt history being was made. Less than 60 years ago schools and public areas were segregated by race and now America has elected its first African American President. This is the American Dream.

Obama's first address to the nation acknowledged the many problems we are facing and the long road ahead, and inspired hope that we will eventually overcome these challenges. The Honeymoon period is officially over. History has already been made. We all know the significance of his election as the leader of the free world.

Now President Obama is accountable for delivering on the promise of "change" that he built his campaign on.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Who Even Reads this Blog?

An odd question to ask. But Who really reads this? I write so infrequently who reads my words? Just thinking out loud here.